
After considerable research and deliberation, as well as overwhelming resident input and support, the Town of Washington has decided to petition the state to incorporate part of the Town as a village. On August 22nd the Board of Supervisors kicked off the formal process by voting to circulate a petition for resident signature in support of the incorporation process, and to file the petition once the requisite number of signatures is received.

Incorporation is the best process the Town of Washington can pursue to be able to control our own land use, establish fixed borders that other jurisdictions can’t cross, and prevent ongoing annexations from eroding the Town’s jurisdictional boundaries. While the Town of Washington has a well-deserved reputation as a strong neighbor with successful long-running collaborations with our neighboring cities and town, we believe that seeking incorporation is the only way we can ensure that the community we have built and contribute to can maintain the strong community spirit and natural character our residents appreciate.

The Town administrator will use this page to keep residents informed and updated about the process.

Please contact Administrator Henning with any questions you have about this topic at or 715-834-3257.

Map of Proposed Village Territory

Notice of Filing Incorporation Petition

Washington Incorporation Petition

Washington Incorporation Petition Appendices

Washington Incorporation Petition Signatures

Incorporation FAQs, revision 9-18-2024

Press Release 9-18-2024

Map of Proposed Village Territory

Notice of Intent to Circulate Petition

August 2024 Special Edition Newsletter

Incorporation Process

Annexation Articles from Town Newsletters

Press Release 8-22-2024